I fully understand and respect the thinking behind this letter, and I have contributed to quite a few of the fund-raisers listed. But I'm not sure what it's intended to achieve in its current form, or indeed to whom it is addressed.

As I understand it, there are three branches of the Council of Europe - there's the Court (judiciary), the Committee of Ministers (decision-makers), the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE - advisory) and a permanent Secretariat that services these. PACE has adopted the highly contentious Resolution 2417 https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29712 which it has submitted to the Committee of Ministers for their consideration under cover of Recommendation 2220 https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29710#trace-4.

What's needed now is to stop the Committee of Ministers from endorsing the unacceptable bits of the Resolution, while encouraging the protection of the rights of LGBT people across Europe. There is a choice of addressing the letter to the Secretary-General, Marija Pejčinović Burić; the current Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, Luigi di Maio, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy; or the current President of PACE, the unfortunately named Dutchman, Tiny Cox. I'm really not in a position to know which would be most effective; it might be worth raising this with the relevant FCDO Minister, or approaching the UK Delegation to the Council of Europe direct: they should be well aware of these issues, and - given the Foreign Secretary's views - sympathetic. https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/uk-delegation-to-the-council-of-europe

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I have no idea what it will achieve, if anything. All I know is what we cannot be silent while this is happening. This is an active threat, not just to women's rights but to the very principles of democracy. Thank you for your very helpful suggestions about where we should send the letter.

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Please add my name too: Gabriel Mills

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Pleas add my name Siaron Phillips

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By commenting here or let me know via Twitter what name you want me to use.

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Thanks for all you do and would like to add that it's also an existential threat to the meaning and definition of female/women/girl as sex- based class as a protected characteristic at its core, not just the impacts of such a horrifying outcome. It's sex denial as scientific observable fact. Pls also make them aware of Denton Law strategy for TRA lobbyists in getting law passed by stealth and capturing school kids. No media, no debate, tag GR/selfID onto other popular laws (Ireland), target politicians and young ppl for emotional impact. Insidious and undemocratic.

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Pleased add me. Al Lee, Staffordshire.

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Happy to have my name on it. I'm just one of the "ordinary men and women" you refer to, who watches the "debate" with horror. For the record, I don't regard myself as on the Right or the Left (though each time I've done the Political Compass I've come out strongly Left). This seems to be part of the asymmetry in the "debate" ... just associate "gender critical" with the Right or Far Right, and by default you magically invalidate their position. No. Anyway, add or leave off my name as you wish. John Dickinson, Middlesex (ha!)

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I'd like to sign please

Amanda Christie

Thank you 🙏

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I'd like to sign too please Sarah. Cheryl Mulholland.

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Please use my real name: Imogen Makepeace

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I would like to sign please, Sarah - Carol Bailey

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I'd like to sign please - Penny Fenge

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Please add my name as well if not too late - N Samels. My name is unusual and easily identifiable but I will not be bullied into not standing up for the rights of women and girls.

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Me too please! Evelyn Strasburger from Bath UK.

And thank you so much for researching and writing this.

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Sheila Atkinson ....please add my name.

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Please add my name: Una-Jane Winfield or Twitter @Scientist Transwidows

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Please add my name M Osner, Yorkshire

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Céline Graciet. Thanks for all you do.

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Please add me :- Karn Campbell, Highlands Scotland

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Please add my name too: Kay Lawrence

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I'd like to sign, Sarah. Alison Simmons

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Anita Greg

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Please add my name, Laney Briody.

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Emma Donaldson

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Terry Patterson, counsellor, psychotherapist specialising in adolescent development

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It was chilling to see the person quoted in the first tweet calling gender critical feminists “cockroaches”. Reminiscent of the language used by the instigators of the Rwandan genocide.

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And the "critics" of Gender Atheists/Criticals say *we* are using hateful language. Its insane how this is all being turned upside down.

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Please add me, Karlien O'Grady. I teach, and I am increasingly worried about the culture of fear around speaking about any of this (which I am also subject to) as it is interfering with placing children's safeguarding front and centre. Nothing should ever hinder raising safeguarding concerns about a child.

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Two thoughts: mentioning that UK lawyers were at the heart of the Convention drafting will feed the anti-UK crowd. They will use that as an excuse to undermine sex as a PC even more. “See? Bigots wrote the Convention !!!11!1!!”. Also, references to Graham Linehan are counter-productive, and will be used against the findings in the rest of the letter.

You may wish to emphasise that women’s equality has always been resisted, and that even the greatest of institutions have histories of dismissing rational, evidenced arguments to recognise biological women’s human rights, but that you trust they will not repeat mistakes made in the past.

Please put my name in: K. J. Kaye.

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Please add my name - Jenny Lupton

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Please add me Mary Gordon

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Please add my name, Laura Tennant - and thank you x

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I fully support the freedom of people to openly discuss women's rights, even when they may conflict with the perceived rights of minority groups, in particular those in the transgender community. In my experience this is generally conducted in a respectful way. However I have seen very many instances of people who object to legitimately held gender critical views making abusive comments to those with whom they disagree. Sometimes even appearing to incite violence against those who hold views which they consider 'transphobic'. Many women are now fearful of expressing legitimate concerns about women's safety and rights as they are concerned with losing jobs or their positions in the voluntary sector. This is an intrusion on free speech and inhibiting healthy discussion on important issues.

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Lavinia Botnar please add me

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Please add my name: Fiona Lubbock Marblehead, MA., USA

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Please add me Susan Kennedy

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Please add my name, I donated anonymously to a fair few. Helen Redmond

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Please add my name Rhona Anderson, Glasgow.

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Please add my name Jude English

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