Very well put, will be sharing this.

I think it's just absolutely ludicrous that we even need to talk about this matter and defend the most basic reality that has ever existed: That you come from one mother and one father (even in the lab: egg + sperm). Children have become props to validate the adults' fantasies, wishes and in this case fetishes. We are failing our children massively by allowing this as a society. But of course, this is the logical conclusion of normalizing absolutely every mental disorder and fetish and even celebrate it: https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/the-transableism-of-transgenderism

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Some anti-psychotic drugs such as Rospiradone cause a weird lactation. I had to change meds immediately due to risk to bone density. It would have been poisonous to a baby and would not produce colostrum or later nourishment. When I had the boy in 1988 I had to come off psych meds which meant I became quite unwell and was in a teenage unit , my mood swinging wildly with my bipolar. I breast fed for only 10 days and was medicated again. Now my point is that there was so much care taken that I didn’t poison the foetus , and later poison him with chemicals from my meds during breast feeding - WHY on Earth is a chemically induced lactation acceptable in ANY way to some blokes personal soap opera. The baby has just become a prop in this guy’s fetish. This is truly disgusting, Child Protectection ( or whatever it is called now), needs to be alerted and the child removed and placed with someone who is not playing a horrid game with it.

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It is heartbreak in the future we will face if we keep letting men experiment with our babies just to fill their fantasies! Mika obviously takes drugs to grow his breasts, are these drugs being passed to the baby too? I know most Trans identifying men are buying drugs online. God knows what they are putting in there bodies with theis not medically prescribed drugs?

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This should be illegal. It's sexual & physical abuse

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Thank you this needs to be voiced

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I'm collecting data on trans widows' experiences of their ex-husband taking on some version of mother vis a vis the children he actually fathered. I have many more interviews of trans widows to go through; in the 33 sets of data I've analysed, 8 women were coerced into "trying out" sex role play using a "strap on" and 5 of us were raped at the conclusion of this role play. These men are also surprisingly violent; 8 of us were physically assaulting, when our then husbands choked or shoved us. I collect data on every trans widow I can regard as reliable, and use pseudonyms to profile each on my channel. Mental health practitioners are not keeping any data on us. We must do it ourselves. One of the 33 relayed that her husband tried to "nurse" their third child. A large percentage of us have experienced poverty after we split up from him, and discovered he'd been spending all the money on wardrobe, prostitutes and "therapy."


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Excellent appraisal Sarah. Do we know any more about the drugs given to induce some form of lactation?

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They are set out in the linked articles - it seems that quite a lot are needed and there are concerns about the side effects of Domperidone. Regardless, it seems there is zero research on the impact of this on the child. Presumably because to ask questions is 'transphobic'.

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Yep, undoubtedly the case. I got the Domperidone but since a "cocktail" of drugs is referred to I was wondering about the others. F*†*ing astonishing that thiese drugs are given without evidence as to the effects. Women breast feeding are often worried about having a glass or two of wine!

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Women who breastfeed have even been cautioned about eating spicy foods if her baby is colicky! ( let alone any drugs she might need to take for her own health... I remember when I contracted giardia when I was breastfeeding my child and needed to take flagyl [a strong, specific antibiotic for parasites]--- I had to pump my milk before the drug treatment, so as to make sure that none of it entered my milk supply and affected my child.)

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If some hospital like Brighton, are saying men and women can breastfeed, we have a major problem with the health of a newborn, also their inability to refuse being offered a male nipple with all the drugs being taken by that man. There are strict guidelines on any baby milk, regulations of the composition of milk, and cases where social services have been involved when a mother has decided to feed soya against medical advice. As a midwife I was involved in a case for an adoptive mother of twins, using medication, pumping, an underarm pump with tubing attached to nipple. But sadly it didn't work and within days artificial feeds were being given, then she stopped.

Sadly tyhe NHS has to have guidelines on this, men will continue to try it, in fact I expect even more now it has become so public.

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It amazes me that men can even produce milk. I had no idea.

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