I am glad for your sake you were born in the 60s!

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Brilliantly put ,Sarah. I cannot believe we''re living in a world where unevidenced experimentation on children is being allowed ,let aione promoted.!! Who would ever have imagined anybody challenging child safeguarding in a court of Law ? The poor children who have been through this process will NEVER recover their natural functions as adults and those whio supported this abuse should be held accountable. Thanks ,Sarah x

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Well done Sarah. It is child abuse. Folks like Susie Green can't easily do anything other than continue to trumpet their narrative. I do wonder if in the cold reality of time gone by she ever quietly thinks to herself 'what have I done.' I don't suppose she does. I hope Jackie Green is happy. I'm glad that back in the 60's my parents didn't bat an eyelid when I preferred to play with girls and girls things.

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Could not agree more with every word of this, it's considered, precise language should give those who harm children pause before court cases start taking place. They cannot come soon enough imo, the egregious harms being pushed at innocent children by cult indoctrinated "adults" with a fetish are a scandal of catastrophic proportions.

Thank you Sarah

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Brilliant, clear and uncompromising.

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Brava, Sarah.

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hear! hear! Hell is the only place for adults who abuse children, as in altering their bodies by chemicals and by the knife.

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I agree with (almost) everything you say Sarah, especially your characterisation of “gender affirming therapy” for children as medical experimentation on a vulnerable population (I say this as a retired doctor, with a special interest in both informed consent and its limitations, and in the impact of health literacy in medical decision making).

However, I do have enormous sympathy for any parent of a child with “gender dysphoria”. There often seems to be a stark choice between, on the one hand, affirmation and the ensuing nightmare of watching your child transforming into a different person, whose reproductive choices may have been foreclosed, whose sexual function may have been irreversibly compromised, and whose future will require lifelong medical care, and on the other hand, risking lifelong estrangement from your beloved child if you do refuse to affirm. I can understand why affirmation might seem like the lesser of two evils to a loving parent. I can also understand why, having made the difficult choice to affirm, that parent, for their own psychological self-protection might double down on that decision as being the right one, leading them to become an activist for the “Trans cause”.

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I hope I have sympathy for parents who are simply desperate to help their child. But following the Cass Review, any parent who actively and enthusiastically seeks medical transition for their child, and argues that anyone who disagrees is a ‘bigot’, is a bad parent who is abusing their child. That is my view and I think it is firmly supported by the available evidence.

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Totally agreed

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Surgically mutilating and chemically castrating children is not healthcare.

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