Your frustration is palpable and entirely justified, Sarah. My late mother died in 1998. She was disabled by MS. I haven’t observed any real improvement in disability access in the intervening 26 years! You’re also right in stating that the current ‘virtue signalling’ is a cheap and easy option. I’m alarmed that Garden Court Chambers is all over EDI policy like a particularly unpleasant rash.

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It's very worrying. I think we have to focus now on who exactly is promoting this to understand why #LawFare is having limited traction.

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Aggressive activists are driving the public conversation. Unfortunately a lot of people will simply go along with or even actively support what the most aggressive people say in order to avoid having that aggression turned on them. Actual disabled people are too busy living their lives and dealing with their disabilities to match the aggressive trans activists who make it their whole lives. Until people learn critical thinking, the mob will keep following whoever is the most manipulative.

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I fully support you.

People and society follow tribal fads, not a rational & genuinely equitable assessment of needs and priorities.

— the blind led by idiots (excuse the ableist language!).

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Great piece, Sarah.

I shall ponder your thoughts about the Equality Act.

It was some years ago but I can envisage the incredible long and steep stairs from Truro Court now!

Have cross posted

I also feature 'the Band Played Waltzing Matilda' which is, centrally, a song about disability.



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