Apr 14Liked by Sarah Phillimore

Leaving aside McCloud's beliefs about sex and gender I'm concerned that anyone who tweets like a 16 year old and bullies people on social media can be anywhere near the judiciary.

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Apr 14Liked by Sarah Phillimore

To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer. Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned. However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as actual harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (especially women). Finally, others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.

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This man seems pretty vicious: and his arrogant condescension in having met "no happy GC people" is straightforward projection: Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim and Offender (DARVO).

Closing cases of complaints against judges simply because they retire is the proverbial "get out of jail free card". It seems disgraceful: especially applied to the judiciary! Who should be held extra responsible for offences caused to others and breaching the law they are supposed to administer.

One more example of an arrogant and vindictive trans-identified male. It must be extremely difficult to cope with this kind of studied aggravation and lies.

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Just gobsmacked by this matter and the seeming lack of concern by the regulatory body about a man who apparently plans to sit as a judge part-time post-retirement. 'Transgender identity' ideology really does seem to have a cognitive-impairing effect on some people such that their discernment and common sense flies out the window.

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Trans ideology/genderwoo again proves itself to be a powerful acid that dissolves brain tissue. It’s unfuckingbelievable.

There’s an episode of Family Guy, from YEARS ago where a “trans” woman (man) is sat at a bar watching porn on his phone. The barman says: “you can’t watch porn in here!”. The “trans” person says: “I’m trans”. The barman says, without irony: “oh I’m sorry, do whatever you want, all the time”

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it's an all pervasive virus. I keep going back to Germaine Greer's statement -- if women only knew how much men hate them.... this is a men's rights movement.

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What an awful predicament, Sarah!

Truthsayers being denounced by the judiciary. The world is in a crazy place. They say The Truth Will Set Us Free! We need it sooner rather than later.

There is a reason that these men gaslight, manipulate and coersive - it's psychological abuse and I believe it is a power trip for them in an attempt to, not only invade women's spaces and offensively impersonate, but the complete erasure of women and women's rights, as well as our human rights. Plus distracting us from what's really going on.

You are 100% correct that it is being used to distort reality. We are being conditioned not to believe our own eyes and not to trust our instincts when in danger. This whole 'be kind/don't be offensive/don't express your opinion" is actually extremely harmful, and having your voice silenced by not proceeding with your complaint is astonishingly dismissive. You are incredible in that you will not be silenced and have created a platform to express your opinion, for truth and justice.

After I found our that our children are being sterilized, their bodies mutilated and put on medication with horrendous adverse effects, I will no longer conform to this ideology (I too was being completely brainwashed during teacher training sessions by certain third party providers to be "kind" - it's not kindness - it's child abuse!!!). Our children are in danger. Our women are in danger. Our men are in danger. Anyone that speaks out is discredited or cancelled. And in the wake of this madness our children are being maimed and indoctrinated into an extremist cult. I shudder to think what's next in this evil plan.

What is the agenda? It's far more sinister than I could ever imagine. I do believe that we are all being manipulated to create contentious duality - pitting people against one another. Gender "ideology" is only one slither of the subjugating eunagenic pie.

Shocking how he is abusing his position of power and being protected by the system.

I hope you can resolve this matter. But there is no reasoning with the unreasonable, especially when new 'laws' are being past that protect them and vilifying anyone who speaks truth.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 14

Enraged and disgusted to learn how the gender mob has polluted and operates in legal society. Seems law and legislation, like most of our systems and services, are in the grips of extremely menacing hands! We depend on the bravery and resilience of those like you, who play such an important role fighting for biological reality. Thank you for playing your part and sharing, solidarity and strength xx

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That little clip at the beginning is one of the most amazing pieces of projection I've ever seen.

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The world has gone bloody mad. It really has. I don't think in all my years, I have witnessed such levels of lies and delusion that have infected every area of public and political discourse. It's a mass delusion.

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You sound like me at the beginning.

I HATE going out for social drinks with my bosses. It’s just strange to me.

I know they’re not but I view judges as your bosses so at social places you wouldn’t be able to be your true self.

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