The terms ‘fascist’ and ‘far right’ have long since lost their meaning and become the go-to slurs to castigate anyone who doesn’t buy into the “progressive” narrative. They are analogous to the more recently minted term “terf”. The problem, quite apart from the effective libel against those with perfectly mainstream views, is that there is no language left to use when real manifestations of fascism arise, ironically of course well illustrated by balaclava clad thugs aggressively shutting down meetings.

As regards “hate speech” I simply can’t and won’t accept the concept in a legal context. Hate is a natural human emotion, the corollary of love; we are, or should be, all as entitled to experience hatred of other people or groups of people (balaclava clad thugs, for example) and to express it both orally and in writing, provided that the long understood limitations of incitement to violence against persons or property and harassment are observed. The law simply has no business intervening within those limitations; but outside those limitations it must intervene uniformly. The Police as a body must have no collective view on any political or cultural matter and must absolutely not display any affiliations; their job in this context is to protect people from violence and harassment and their property from damage / expropriation and to arrest those who infringe without consideration of political or identity grouping. It is staggering that something that something which would have been seen as obvious and taken for granted by the majority only 5 minutes ago is now not only controversial but the opposite of the mainstream political and institutional viewpoint.

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I read a definition somewhere that the "opposite" of love is not hate, but apathy: an absence of the ability to feel anything.

In my experience, hate is an outcome of combined fear and powerlessness.

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Whatever it is we should be fully entitled to feel it and express it.

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I think I'd like to see the logic of that definition. Why is the opposite of love, a lack of any feeling and not hate? Surely apathy would be neutral if anything? I'm apathetic towards football, I don't think it's the opposite of love!

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Love and hate are different sides of the same coin: an intense feeling about another person which is often persistent. I agree that indifference is the opposite to both love and hate.

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No because two tier keir is still spouting left wing rhetoric to describe ordinary people who protest. The thugs who destroyed should not be accepted, it's wrong to burn people's property. But ordinary people protested two tier keir sent the stasi against them double quick. He is an authoritarian just like putin, Kim Jong, china's leader. Not a month into the job, he shows you how he intends to proceed, believe him. Two tier policing as fashioned by wef kier

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Aug 13Edited

it is outrageous what we witness; women are being punched by men with rainbowed batons at 'Let Women Speak' rallies , or killed ; stabbed at dance class or at female pop icon concerts; girls and women of all ages being (ill)legally disenfranchised in academia, and at sport -whilst over paid men and their idiot handmaidens cry about profiled injustices - pronoun usage, whilst dead women ; the domestic violence female victims. The sexist ageist hiringpolicies created by these online job gatekeepers and the lack of local jobs for home grown populations ; training and university profiteering off US- All the above exacerbated by atrocious migratory policies - local homeless across the West- this is by design designed by profieer top tier Davos lobbymen; But "you working class thugs" ; you've popped outta nothin! ; "you boomer whitey bigoted ladies" is a racist lazy lie told by sexist blokes in bad shirts with often poor self images and they hate women - These "beards"- whilst lobbyland gate keep the jobs: in banking, heathcare and public sector; whilst corps profit in offshore tax havens off our once sovereign holdings-profits landing far from us, derived from our once public asset classes- and now the once quality charity sector is bought too - increasingly they proselytize via their oft young Green mouthpiece professional spokesmodels in the media - to profit from unemployed their masters created the bloody needs in the first place ; labelling it diversity ; gaslighting the community and women and our children...Economic and enviromentally fraught the West know the bottom line reality - Fact; the need to compete against what they, the congnoscenti greedy at the top created; The new Eastern superpowers (who put their populations to work and who have supported their own sovereign infrastructure) -But the Davos type of lazy creep at top of this foodchain are doing a business reset of world power - erasing sex, family unity in community/ western culture and quality middle class aspirations to control from corporate power elite base

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Fair and balanced Comment, Sarah.

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Thank you

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There's a very good article on two tier policing on The Spectator website. It has been going on for years.

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I was accused of “hate crime” in an NHS hospital. My “hate crime” was putting up half-a-dozen GC stickers on trans progress flags, and notices concerning only females that either never mentioned women or girls, or dehumanised us as “people with a cervix”. The Head of Security was a transgender zealot.

The police visited me twice. I was ill and extremely fatigued from radiotherapy; they took away my stickers and later declared “Woman: adult human female” stickering was not a hate crime. Waiting to find all that out however, made for a very grim Christmas. My pension wouldn’t run to an extensive fine. The procedure was indeed the punishment.

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I am very sorry, but not surprised, to hear that.

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I have to keep googling "meaning of two tier policing" because it won't seem to stick in my head. And have finally realised, this must be because any accusation of "soft policing" of ethnic minorities is so contradictory -- as regards anything we've previously had reason to believe about the police and systemic racism.

This is especially so as embodied in a long history of police abuse of "Suss law" in ethnic minority communities and individuals: ie stop and search, based on suspicion that someone might be carrying drugs, or a weapon. When something like 10 times as many black people as whites are stopped and searched on this basis: on the flimsy presumption that they are "more likely" to be committing an offence, because of their colour.

And there is the common but racially biased memory of "grooming gangs of Asian men" preying on young girls in care homes in Rochdale and Rotherham in the 1990s, with alleged refusal of police and social services to investigate or intervene, because it would be seen as "racist".

This is the far right folk-memory fodder for racist and anti-immigration sentiment apparently fuelling the recent riots. But also far from the truth, according to Dr Jo Phoenix, Professor of Criminology at the Open University, whose current Substack article is required reading on this subject:


Why were "Asian grooming gangs" picked out as the offenders, when a FAR greater majority of child sexual abusers, in organised gangs, were native white men?

But the greatest crime of all, in children's neglect by social services, and by the police, was that girls "in care" themselves were blamed for "choosing" prostitution. And that 13 year-old girls were prosecuted as prostitutes on this basis, as if they were adults.

Not until the 2000s did the names even change from "pimps", "prostitutes" and "punters" to child sex abusers, and abused children. Children who, unsupported by families and receiving no training for work, saw no means of supporting themselves on leaving care. No "choice" but to be sexually exploited: while seeing their exploiters as "boyfriends".

And the only "help" received by these abused children -- if picked up at all -- was referral back to social services, which had failed them in the first place.

It all seems strangely familiar: how rocketing numbers of distressed children, lacking agency for life-changing decisions, are now held solely responsible for the decision that they are "trans".

This conveniently absolves adults (parents or professionals alike) from any responsibility for safeguarding such children: with any sych adult responsibility contemptuously dismissed by transactivists as "gatekeeping".

So many of these vulnerable childtmren too are from care homes or foster care, have been bullied or abused in other ways, and are now predominantly female.

The new grooming gangs -- this time, both males holding rank and "Be Kind" deluded females -- are the systematic indoctrinators, gender cult ideologues: to tell distressd children they are "born in the wrong body".

Helping to groom children for exploitation are hypersexualised advertising and increasingly violent online pornography, both industries largely controlled by men, for lifelong exploitation of children told they are "trans" by a lucrative medical industry, naking big profits on dangerous synthetic hormones and cosmetic surgery.

And social media are a critical means of social contagion in producing "an epidemic of mental illness in children" by substituting play-based childhood, by screen-based childhood, according to Jonathan Haidt..

And of course the police have to be institutionally captured too, to fall into line with a powerful collusion of (originally) male sexual fetishists masquerading as a "civil rights" and "human rights" movement, having successfully hijacked the LGB movement and supposedly "progressive" leftwing political parties, by the myth of "gender identity" based on 1950s sex role stereotypes.

The idea of "two tier policing" is absurd and laughable in relation to racism and anti-immigration sentiments which fuelled the riots: with no evidence for reduction of systemic racism in policing, let alone any "soft" policing of ethnic minorities in Britain.

This is a slur relayed by the far right Elon Musk as the richest billionaire on the planet, on his own social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

Musk reinstated the accounts of several far right racists, previously banned by Twitter: including "Tommy Robinson" (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon), with convictions for fraud and assault, who egged on the rioting from abroad.

And far right Elon Musk is also trying hard to smear Keir Starmer with the ridiculous slur "#TwoTierKeir".

While the real "two tier policing" -- against women -- remains completely unacknowledged by this slur, and has actually escalated. New definitions of "hate crime" now include arresting Jennifer Swayne for sticking up posters to Keep Women's Prisons Single Sex.

Trans-identified male rapists in women's prisons only add to the outrage that, with 99 percent of sex offenders being male, and 88 percent of victims being female, only two percent of reported rapes are prosecuted. And half of all rapes are (according to the Crime Survey of England & Wales)not even reported to the police: because women think they will not be believed, and that they will be blamed for being raped, not treated as victims.

"Two tier policing" is an absurd inversion of the fact that policing, far from being soft on ethnic minorities, has often been much harder. But the REAL two tier policing, based on misogyny, is widely taken for granted by at least 50 percent of women.

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It is definitely our responsibility to speak, to comment, to research, to debate, to question, to enquire, to ascertain facts, to uncover truth, to hear other versions of a story, to get educated, to listen to various voices and different points of view, to find out what's going on locally- regionally and globally, to uphold Freedom of Speech at all costs in order to make an informed decision and not just an impassioned enflamed ignorant one.

For once we are controlled utterly through censorship and the mainstream agenda, all will be lost (as seen in countless dictatorships worldwide). Listen to what the politicians are advocating for now - censorship, 'hate speech' more punishable than actual crimes [commenting about r@pe can get you imprisoned but gang r@pe or groom a 15 year old girl in school and you're free to go], blind unquestioning obedience and acceptance of what is being reported, stricter schools, changes to curriculum (but not to create critical thinkers or people who believe their own eyes and instincts!), (mis)labelling one side versus another, enforcing duality and the 'us versus them' mentality and violent consequences, erasure of human rights. Take note of the continuous divisive narrative played endlessly on repeat - divide and conquer. Pay attention to what is being transpired weeks before (in relation to making space in prisons) and how ordinary people are being criminalised en mass and realise this was ALL orchestrated. Continue to speak, to ask questions, to gain understanding. What is the motive and ultimate agenda here? There is an orchestrated imbalance here fuelled by mainstream half-truths, and blatant lies.


We need to uphold freedom of speech. Not just for the elite or celebrity. For every single human being.

Not a version of a truth, not the gaslighting rhetoric of those in power, not the slither of a version of a plausible lie, not their version and interests are more revered than 'those others'.

There seems to be more misinformation on mainstream news platforms than elsewhere, in my opinion. Ignorance seems fashionable. One talk show guest quite glibly stated: "I don't even know what two tier means!" Then find out!!! (policing one group completely differently to another under relatively similar circumstances, for example, e.g. Leeds/BLM vs Southport/Stoke-on-Trent/London/etc. - one set of rioters have their faces plastered all over the press and swiftly prosecuted, whilst the other may retreat into obscurity or let their leaders deal with those rioters (who I imagine get a hand shake and a congratulatory pat on the back).

Take the time to listen to those who feel that it is unfair and unjust to ignore (what seemed like hundreds of organised and trained) men with bladed weapons on English streets, using force against unarmed citizens which were not shown at all on mainstream (except for the Sky news crew who were accosted but not many riot police in site on Stoke or Croydon were there?). Of course there will be frustration and anger, and it does not take much for the riots' fires to be lit and the mob to turn to extreme inexcusable violence. Then get politicians to throw fuel on the fire and criminalise ordinary citizens. A disastrous recipe.

They did not seem to all get the memo that when demonstrating FIRST DO NO HARM!!!

Personally, I believe that too much has been orchestrated for sinister means and wouldn't be surprised that many instigators were purposefully placed to instill a reaction - like that loan man allegedly carrying a bladed weapon (machete some witnesses report) towards the crowd gathered for vigil in Southport. He allegedly hid in a certain place of worship, and that led to that building being attacked. Although admittingly there was a brief report of suspect arrested for carrying a bladed weapon (no repeat video footage shown), mainstream narrative focused on the apparent random attack on the house of religion OR allegedly when what seemed like hundreds of (aggressive) men carrying bladed weapons (machete, swords, hammers, sticks) were told by police to but the weapons back into the place of worship (arsenal) - fuelling even more violent reactions from locals as blatant criminality is ignore. A frightening scene and one most British would not have seen in their lifetime. Infuriating when police turned their attention to unarmed crowds and ignored weaponised militia or protected those carrying weapons. The conversation about countless knife crimes if silenced (17 attacks in 24 hours, and another horrific attack on a child and woman in London). Two tier inciting more anger and violence intentionally for the cameras who recorded one side of the blue line and not the other to fuel the mainstream rhetoric and the agenda. It is up to each uniformed individual to take stock of their indoctrination and question the validity of those orders and be fair in their approach. Or say "No! I won't treat our people differently! Equality of policy or nothing." One NO may lead to many.

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Those in power do not want to put censorship in place to stop 'misinformation'. They want to ensure the TRUTH remains obscure.

Knowledge is power

The Truth will set us free

Ignorance is bliss

The chess pieces have been manoeuvred into place over decades of meticulous execution, the key players have done their part in influencing their followers and armies have formed on both sides. They are shaking the jar to their Davos master's commands so that there will be more unrest between fractions and calls for more restrictions, draconian laws, removal of human rights and civil liberties, more CCTV, more police, stricter controls will be enforced with little or no question. None can be trusted. Look at 27 July, the peaceful protest brought out thousands, which proved the numbers were there insuring counter protests ensued and solidifying civil war if that is what is planned so a State of Emergency could be declared, the army brought in. Complete power over the people. Dangerous times.

So what do we do?


Connect the dots. Nothing is isolated.

From the questionable unreliable mainstream news reports distortion of actual events to the eye witness accounts of what truly transpired to the politicians promises to enforce censorship and the removal of human rights, criminalising the act of speech and opinion more harmful than an actual crime, to charging any discent of free thought with harsh punishments charge whilst the real criminals freely roam to instill more fear - we can all by now admit that we are in danger.

From reports I saw online and speaking to a few people it is evident that there is 100% two tier policing - especially when witnessing hundreds of bl@de wielding militia attacking and threatening unarmed 'locals' and those locals being targeted by those who are supposed to protect us. But the camera only faced one way and told the version that fits the current narrative. Compare these riots to Leeds or BLM and one can ascertain there is a significant difference portrayed in police that run away from the scene and those that are in full combat gear arrest grandmothers on their way to pay respects; and the response from politicians who bend their knees in support of one cause and bring down the full force of the law on another group.


It is not by accident that multiculturalism has been enforced and monoculture vilified. I would argue that Apartheid is being enforced into the UK by a certain race who bring their own culture, religion, laws to their adopted lands, as did the European colonisers hundreds of years ago. And they will keep coming. Speak with a indigenous tribes from Americas, Australia, Africa and New Zealand who are second class citizens in their own country and whose lands are owned by colonisers' descendants and foreign investors whilst most of the indigenous population are impoverished (not all but most).

One questions why our leaders would betray their own people? Corruption? Power?

Draw parallels of subjugating methodology carried out around the world, now being rolled out in the UK (for decades now). Simplistically put: impoverishing locals (Africa); foreign land ownership (Africa); unemployment nanny state and censorship (Australia); dumb down state school education (America); facial recognition technology, public humiliation and trial by media (China); integration of robots into society (China); war on farmers (SA, Netherlands, Germany, France - every where it seems), civil unrest (France, Africa), drug cartels (Colombia and spreading everywhere), grooming gangs (Asia), liberalism (Europe), civil unrest and war (Israel, Palestine, Syria, Afganistan, Bangladesh, etc. etc.), colonisers [before Europeans hundreds of years ago but now everyone some stoically committed to bringing their own culture/religion/customs and cementing them in the conquered lands, others integrating but still foreign] (everywhere), injustice for victims (worldwide), blackouts, open borders (South Africa which has seen an influx of millions of "illegal" African immigrants over decades since the ANC came into power three decades ago, increasing homelessness and extreme poverty despite election promises of building houses for all and vilification of the impoverished locals (South Africa), increase rich-poor divide; violence on women and girls, loss of women's rights, legalisation of euthanasia and drugs (Canada), erasure of innate culture for religious state, corrupt governments (Argentina/Zimbabwe/SA - almost everywhere), decriminalisation of paedophilia, child brides (Asia/Africa/Europe), dehumanising tactics (transsexual/transageism/trans-species/transhumanism), liberalism, blasphemy laws, racism vs empowerment; erasure of women's rights and human rights; toxifying and poisoning our waters with sewage, our land; fake food, artificial intelligence, digital IDs, digital monetary and judiciary systems, tax breaks for wealthy, climate change used to imprison and impoverish. Sound familiar. All and many, many more authoritarian systems being enforced in place near you.


I believe we human beings need to all link arms and stand together against the real enemy to accept peace and not bow down to the puppet masters.


FREEDOM OF SPEECH Keep commenting, keep speaking, keep questioning the agenda, keep critically thinking.

STOP BEING USED AS A PAWN We are all being manipulated and coersed - whether we are concerned parents questioning the dehumanising Curriculum in schools, or of the LGBTIQ+ community, liberal left, or conservative right, uniformed key worker adhering to diversity equity and inclusion policies (which I believe enforce the opposite Division Exclusion and Inequality), or immigrants wanting to secure a better future for our/their children - we need to all drop the labels and name calling, and switch off the divisive inciteful rhetoric.

COMMUNITIES Return to our tribal lands and live in communities, plant own food, be self sufficient, relearn the skills of our forefathers and mothers and teach our children to live off the land and in harmony with nature.



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