I went through Family Court for three years after fleeing to a refuge. At first he was denied contact, then given supervised (in which they left him alone and he obtained my location from my younger child) then supported, then unsupported and overnight. Every mother I know experienced the same progression, regardless of severity of abuse.

CAFCASS and a therapist were concerned that sexual abuse of a child may have ocurred but no disclosure was made so they just moved on.

Allegations of emotional and physical harm to a child were PROVED yet contact still granted. The judge said "this case has gone on long enough"

What they go through with him now is wrong and unfair and they were not safeguarded. My child was hospitalised the first night with him. Social services  just called him and said 'be more careful.' No one even checked his home or the people he was living with before the children stayed there.

You may not believe that allegations of serious abuse are found and contact is granted regardless but it is. You may not believe abuse victims state is real and is, as you state 'percieved abuse' but there are so many women with stories like mine or much worse.

You may not believe it, but it happens. Domestic abuse is real and family courts, veiled in secrecy are serving the function of enabling abuse to continue and creating harmful myths that victims are perceiving the abuse.

I doubt you will believe me because you have been iicredibly dismissive of the experiences of victims who have been through family court, so I will not doscuss my experiences in depth as I do not want my abuse dismissed and to be claimed to be exaggerating or a liar. But I am a victim of domestic abuse and what I experienced in family court is real and my children ard I are forced into unsafe contact for the next decade.

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I quite enjoy your articles but this one is chock full of mistakes and misinformation.

Here is an article about “parental alienation” and the courts’ problematic and frequent dismissal of (usually) women’s reports of abuse.


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