There is no such thing as "gender identity." There is no such thing as "trans." Adults cannot "transition" because sex is binary and immutable. Nobody gives 70 pound anorexics liposuction, and nobody should give men estrogen due to their mental delusions. That is the only conclusion that can be reached here, and that is the only approach that will work.

"There's a tiny percentage of REAL trannies!" or "Adults can do what they want!" will not work. Because neither statements are true.

Likewise, children obviously cannot consent to any of this. Children engage in magical and imaginative thinking, and that's all this is. As adults do not have "gender identity" because nobody does, neither do children. Children say that they are Superman or horses as well--it's the same thing.

A study was done where doctors found and interviewed children who had insisted they were the opposite sex while they were young, but ultimately they grew out of it and never engaged in mutilation surgeries or opposite sex hormones. The vast majority of them didn't even remember any of their statements--they literally forgot they had even said any of it. Thank goodness they didn't ruin their bodies and lives.

Ask any boy who says he's actually a girl and it will boil down to two things--clothing and toys. That's all children understand. Boys who want to play with dolls and wear skirts literally think they're girls. They're not. They need to be told that they can wear and play with what they like, but they're male and always will be. Children would also eat ice cream for every meal if they could. They need to be told no.

Furthermore, the short-term goal of the "trans" lie is normalization of pedophilia. That is explicitly its goal, ever since John Money's "work." If children can consent to "gender transition" they can consent to sex. There are plenty of adult males waiting to take advantage of this. Do I really need to explain this?

So, the answer is no. To all of it. Children, adults, everyone. There is just no such thing since "gender" is a linguistics term that only applies to words and cannot apply to humans, and pedophiles should be shamed.

End of story.

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Except it isn’t is it? A lot of adults believe in all this, just as a lot of adults believe in other bizarre religions. Stamping your feet and demanding we just sweep it all away is naive at best, authoritarian at worst. Protect children. Leave adults the freedom to make unwise choices. I don’t want to live in your world.

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Sarah, why are adults not allowed to get lobotomies anymore? Would you allow that unwise choice?

Why are adult anorexics not allowed liposuction? Should they be allowed to make that unwise choice?

This is a medical industry scandal and untreated mental illness. This is not adults making a choice. This is doctors and the medical industry facilitating a fraud.

When that happens, it will inevitably lead to male rapists in women's prisons. There is no way to stop it. You cannot open the floodgates a little bit and let out the flood a few inches and then stop it. It will flow all the way--and the end result is an attack on children. You cannot only allow adults to do it. They will target children and they'll win because you have no way to stop it.

When a man says he's a woman, he will demand all of it--bathrooms, prisons, sports, pronouns, women's refuges. There is no choice to be made here because the raison d'etre of this movement is forcing others to go along. The answer must be no. To all of it.

Do we let 18 year olds get lobotomies--just to protect children?

And adults get told what to do all the time. You live in a country where people are criminally punished for stickers that "stir up racial hatred." Please drop the facade that adults can do what they want. This nonsense is what led to this.

The medical industry must stop all of it because that is the only approach that will work. I'm not talking about letting males wear frocks. I'm talking about medical treatment, laws, public policy. If you allow even the tiniest bit, all will follow.

There will be no end. The answer must be no. You live in that world already. Adults get told what to do all the time. This is simply the most important thing they must be told.

And the religious argument is moot because one CAN become a member of a religion. One CANNOT become the member of the opposite sex. So it's irrelevant.

Please read what I wrote seriously. You will never win with "adults can live how they want!" No, they cannot. And everyone knows that.


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I am afraid I don’t understand your comment. Of course you can’t change sex and no law should ever claim you can. But if men want to wear dresses that’s up to them. I can’t see how any law could possibly constrain them, nor do I wish to live in a society that tries. But they remain men. You seem to be mixing up and conflating a variety of issues. No on can change sex. We may dress as we wish.

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I'm not just talking about clothes.

When men claim they're women, they go to the doctor and get prescribed estrogen, get surgeries funded by taxes, change their birth certificates, demand to be called "she" at the threat of lawsuits and sacking from jobs, demand entry in women's sports, demand to be sent to women's prisons when they commit crimes like men, and on and on. There is no end to their irrational demands, so the answer must be no to all of it.

This is a medical and legal scandal.

Nobody is just talking about men in frocks.

You stated--"adults can make unwise choices." Those choices include medical treatment, hormones, surgery, legal changes to names, birth certificates, sports participation--all of that starts in the doctor's offices. The answer to all of that should be no. Adults do not have the right to make that choice. No anorexic has the right to demand liposuction while starving to death. No schizophrenic has the right to demand that the world cater to their delusions. This is the same thing.

Do you understand what I mean? These men aren't just talking about clothes. And just like how an alcoholic can't even be allowed to have one sip, if wearing clothes triggers them, they should be counseled not to. We can't make all alcohol illegal. But those with problems can't drink it and should be given treatment not to.

But we're talking about medicine, law, public policy, not just clothes. Adults cannot make those choices and it shouldn't be allowed. Any of it. Allowing even a bit allows it all. A flood cannot be stopped once the gate is opened.

Does that make sense?

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Your logic is sound, Kat. I completely agree with you. The world in which “transitions” are not allowed is not authoritarian, it’s simply consistent with the other ways in which we don’t allow people to do insane and damaging things to themselves or one another, like the ones you have listed.

The public has been so groomed to see these surgeries and giving out of wrong-sex hormones as normal that they can’t see that it is as damaging as lobotomies used to be.

Plus, in the UK we’re actually PAYING for this stuff to happen with our taxes! That, at the very least, should be stopped.

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Correct. My approach is the only one that is logical because it's based in truth, and this is the only thing that will work. "Adults can do what they want!" and "There's a tiny percentage of REAL trannies!" will fail. It just will.

There is no such thing as "transition." No male has ever turned into a female, or vice versa. Even the males who "pass" are simply imitations, and how many actually pass? Very few. An imitation is not that which it imitates. Fool's gold isn't gold, even if it tricks everyone. That small group isn't worth upending all of society, language, law, life so that idiotic men can be catered to.

The answer must be no. That's not authoritarian because nobody says it's authoritarian to say no to schizophrenics, anorexics, or white people who think they're black. This is untreated mental illness, nothing more. The whole thing has to be stopped because there will be no end to what these idiots demand. Nothing will ever be enough, especially for men, because they're children mentally.

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I absolutely agree with you and I just cannot understand how so many others either don't see the implications of all this or just close their minds ,eyes and ears and refuse to see the danger we are putting children in by allowing lobby groups to dictate policy.

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Jan 30
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You keep making this comment, I keep disagreeing with you. A man who cuts his balls off is still a man. Sex isn’t defined by fertility - I am not fertile, I remain female.

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Steersman is a troll. He wants to waste everyone's time. I don't even read his comments. But, a good article, Sarah, even if I don't agree with every word. Thank you for taking a stand for children! That is the best and most important place to focus the battle, since our time and resources are limited. Win that and the rest will follow, and if not, at least children will be safer.

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He's good evidence of why men shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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Thanks once more for your excellent exposition of the law around this!

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You are very welcome.

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Thank you so much Sarah for your clarity and simplicity. As a nurse I have been horrified at the wilful misinterpretation of Gillick competency to wave through abominations against children by parents I consider to be abusers (however well intentioned)

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Excellent 👌🏻

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