Well said Sarah. Force an answer out of this disgraceful person, who should not be holding a position of public office at all.

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She acknowledged the "potentially" offensive sign calling women c*nts but failed to condemn it. She didn't distance herself from the protesters but tried to shift blame to women for taking pictures of them holding signs inciting misogynistic hate and sex based violence. She called their anti woman propaganda "beautiful artwork". All pretty damning really. No wonder she's too cowardly to respond to you as an elected representative or at least as an adult. She is certainly unfit for office.

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The collaboration of other women in endorsing and encouraging abuse of their sisters is the most distressing aspect of the fight to preserve women’s rights.

Males can never be our sisters. They can be allies or enemies. If they work to remove women’s rights, they are enemies.

When will these women realise that they are being used? Are they so disconnected from reality that they would have to share a prison cell with a rapist who “identifies as a woman” before they could see the light?

What is wrong with them?

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